Ana SayfaMarketingWhy Your Website Won't Get Traffic? Why Your Website Won't Get Traffic? Ares Kasım 06, 2020 0 minute read 0 WHY YOUR WEBSITE WON'T GET TRAFFIC?1.SEO Websites that have not been optimized with relevant keywords are likely to be indiscoverable 2.CONTENT The content on your ebsite might be poorly structured, disorganized & difficult to understand 3.TARGET AUDIENCE Not knowing where your target audience hangs out online can make your business suffer 4.SOCIAL MEDIA A poor social media presence decreases your chances of being discovered by potential customers 5.REGULAR AUDIT AND ANALYSIS Without regular audits, it is difficuit for your business to idendify strategies that are successful Tags Marketing Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Diğer uygulamalarla paylaşın Why Your Website Won't Get Traffic? Marketing Daha yeni Daha eski