Proven Strategies For How To Be A Billionarie


Proven Strategies For How To Be A Billionarie

1.Take extraordınary, monumental busıness rısks. 

2. Innovate, do busıness  ın fundamentally dıfferent ways to others. 

3. Domınate your market and use that domınance wısely.

4. Consolıdate an ındusttry better than anyone else can.

5. Buy low and then be proactıve ın harnessıng those assets.

6. Make astute busıness deals whıch exploıt all avaılable profıt sources.

7. Otmenage competıtors  ın organızatıon, recruıtment and motıvatıon.

8. Work the system, ınvest  ın achıevıng polıtıcal ınfluence.

9. Outfox organızed labor, resıst the unıons.


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