The 9 Fundamental Wealth Building Strategies Of The Billionaries And The 12 Key Principles Billionaries Have Used


The 9 Fundamental Wealth Building Strategies Of The Billionaries

1-Take extraordinary, monumental business risks.

2-Innovate – Do business in fundamentally  different ways to others.

3-Dominate your market and use that dominance wisely.

4-Consolidate an industry beter than anyone else can.

5-Buy low and then be proactive in harnesting those assests.

6-Make astute business deals which exploit all available profit sources.

7-Outmanege competitors in organization, recruitment and motivation.

8-Work the system and invest in achieving political influence.

9-Outfox organized labor and resist the unions.

The 12 Key Principles Billionaries Have Used

1-Pursue the wealth creating power of new ideas.

2-Always remember rules can be broken.

3-Copying is far more profitable than innovating.

4-Pursue growth aggressively and constantly.

5-Hold on to your equity stake.

6-Hard work is the price of entry into the game.

7-Use financial leverage intelligently.

8-Always keep a back door open.

9-Make loads of mistakes but learn from each and every one.

10-Be frugal.

11-Enjoy the persuit not just the destination.

12-Develop a thick skin and resillience to the opinions of others.

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